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Joe Cocker RIP

Discussion in 'Break Room' started by Mark Russell, Dec 22, 2014.

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    Sad to learn of the passing of the great man. From Woodstock, where it all started.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  2. Doogle

    Doogle Active Member

    What has this got to do with podiatry??
  3. Nothing. That's why it's in the Break Room.
  4. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

  5. The Mad Dogs and the Englishmen and.....Joe Cocker!!

    One of my favorite albums of all time. This album rocks!!

    We will miss you greatly Joe, RIP.
  6. carolethecatlover

    carolethecatlover Active Member

    Doogle, some of us here grew up with better music than the younger generation, so let us be, and use our pod knowledge and don't criticize your elders.
  7. Obituary:

    Attached Files:

  8. Ninja11

    Ninja11 Active Member

    Music lifts the soul. Some of our worst moments are made better listening to something uplifting, like a bit of Joe.
    RIP Joe. Thankful for the music you gave us. It always makes me smile.
  9. toomoon

    toomoon Well-Known Member

    How the hell did I miss this!! Cocker was one of the greats.. I need to get an English language newspaper subscription.. and quick!!
  10. Ian Drakard

    Ian Drakard Active Member

    All the more reason for The Letter on Tarsal Coalitions next set list :drinks
  11. toomoon

    toomoon Well-Known Member

    Done.. and I believe "golden tonsils Kirby" could also nail "you are so beautiful"!!???
Similar Threads - Joe Cocker RIP
  1. Mark Russell

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